Health & Safety

Whether it’s getting home safely, creating a healthy work environment, or ensuring our people are supported physically and mentally – Health and Safety training represents your commitment to your people.

We work with you to understand what you do and how you do it. We work with you and teams to take your HSE content, and make it engaging and effective.

If you need more than just great learning materials, we’ve worked with the industry to create KeepSafe, a mobile end-to-end onboarding system. From training, through to tracking and reporting, KeepSafe is an operational tool that delivers efficiencies and better outcomes for your people.

What we hear

It’s not uncommon for us to be told that HSE training is seen as tedious and doesn’t really “land” for the learner. We get it. In an effort to be comprehensive, it’s very easy to undermine what we’re actually here to do. Keep people safe.

At Immersive, we have a pretty strong point of view on this: Some things are too important to be complicated. We love nothing more than rolling up our sleeves and creating learning that sticks. Whether it’s wrestling with complexity, bringing engagement levels up, or challenging the old ways to be innovative in our approach – this is where we play.

What you can expect from us:

Engaging and interactive learning, not long printed lists.

We refined and focus your content.

No more ‘tick-box’ exercises. Knowledge checks designed to enhance the learning.

But it’s not just learners that get frustrated with HSE training, we hear that the operational side of tracking and reporting can be just as arduous. Whether it’s not having any system in place, or systems that promised the earth but deliver nothing but complexity and administration – Health and Safety staff bear the brunt of this.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered too. Did we mention KeepSafe? With a single-minded determination to make your HSE operations as painless as possible, KeepSafe has been designed with industry experts.


Mobile, location aware learning delivers just the training your people need, when they need it.

Let our reporting engine do the hard work for you.

Simple reports delivered in seconds.

Paperless and live Check-in, Check-out site records.